Sarah Pile was coping well with her MS – until she had her daughter Emily two years ago. Since the pregnancy, Sarah’s condition worsened and her independence diminished. She became wheelchair-bound and increasingly reliant on the help of carers.
But last Monday, Forever Active delivered a new 5 wheel Quingo Plus with a rain canopy to Sarah, on permanent long-term loan. The gift was the result of a campaign by her Multiple Sclerosis Centre – the Kent MS Therapy Centre – which asked Forever Active on her behalf.
“It’s been a complete godsend – I can’t thank Quingo enough,” says Sarah. “Scooters are expensive and we couldn’t afford one, but with my daughter just two years old, I was missing out on the important things and couldn’t even take her to nursery. All I had was a small lightweight scooter which couldn’t deal with the countryside roads in my village, or go out in the rain.”
Sarah says the new Quingo has changed everything: “I’ve only just turned 40, and before having Emily I could get around with sticks and even drive. Losing my independence was one of the hardest things to deal with. I need help in so many areas of my life now – but when I’m in the Quingo, I feel independent again. It’s so nice to be able to take her to school and to get out and talk to people again.
“My daughter loves it too – now I can take her to nursery, and she thinks it’s the same as her toy car. When she plays in the garden in her car now, she says: “Mummy, look, I’m in your car!”
Sarah found the Quingo perfect for her – as she’s quite tall, she was surprised at the leg room – and very pleasantly surprised by the design: “I couldn’t believe how stylish it was. And the seat is so comfortable and can be adjusted. I’m quite a tall person too and there’s so much room for me to put my legs out on the footplate. I didn’t feel hunched up at all. It’s so comfortable, which is important when you’re going to be in something for a long time.”
“Really, it’s given me my independence back. I can’t thank Quingo enough.”